Ive finally given in and im going to try my first mechanical broadhead this year. Ive always been one to preach about fixed heads bc you dont have to worry about it not opening, but these T3's are a very solid head. I love the SS ferrile and the way the blades deploy. Is anyone else using them and what do you guys think of them?
They caught my eye at bass pro the other day. I would like to also hear of any experience with them. I'm shooting the G5 Montec CS this year, but I would consider going to the T3 next season.
Ive practiced with them some and they fly great i havent hunted with them i have hunted with the older tekans and they done good
i bought a set a few weeks ago, i was lucky enough to kill my first bear and used 1 of them, it went 16/18 yards after the shot and i was amazed with the wholes it made. the retention clip would no longer hold the blade after the kill but they came with a bunch of extras. and they have the same poi as my feild tips.
Awesome man! thats what i wanted to hear! Im not worried about the spider clips, as you said they come with a half a doz. or so..... season outta be done by the time i shoot that much! lol
Noticed some the other day at the bow shop; looked like they's work,but i think ill stick to teh G5 montecs
Killed my first doe of the season today with a T3. Shot went completely thru. She ran about 40/50 yds and was dead. Awesome blood and big hole.
hey im shootin the t3s this year and i dont think ill shoot another broadhead atleast untill they stop making these shot two allready this year and neither of them ran more then 35 yards and piled up so i would suggest these to anyone there very well made and they are not junk