Buyer beware, these rests do not work on Hoyt "tec" risers! I couldn't find it on their website or the description when I bought one on Ebay. It plainly says on the package it doesn't. Trouble is no one stocks them around here. Now I'm gonna have to buy a new bow if I wanna try it out! Oh well, guess that's as gooda excuse as any. Cept things are gettin kinda slim this year. Sales suck, don't know how well boss is gonna come through for Christmas!
For some reason I just can't make myself try a fall away rest! I don't know why, I've just stuck with my Quiktune 800 and it hasn't let me down.
DUDE! go to their site they make one specifically for the Hoyt line. Call them or e-mail and order one for the bow you have. 129.99 let me know if you have problems. Shawn