Alright so I have a Fuse Playback Stabilizer with Tactacam that's up for grabs. Camera is in new condition and has a brand new battery that I will put into camera before shipping. I have the blue stealth bands on my Playback right now. I have all regular parts for camera as well. For those that don't know the Tactacam is a POV camera that films in 1080p and is single button operational. Only marks on this camera are on the sides of tactacam housing where the stealth band screws contact it. WTS for $240 TYD and that will include a 16GB micro SD card as well as all tools and accessories I have for it. If interested please message me as I see those messages faster then a comment. Thanks. Camera will go for $230 TYD if you do not want SD card.
Will also trade for GoPro, or a thumb release (plus)+ lens kit for hha king pin (kit B) Thread will be closed as of October 3rd