That's all fixin ta change Bols(is that proper southern grammer Okbowhunter?) You're gonna be a killin machine here in a few weeks... Since I put my "secret hog mix" in a place just for you, I think I'm gonna need a bow holder too!!!!:d :d :d
Balls thats slick, not bad for a farm boy :d I like the bow rack design to Little farm boy mini Balls is definantly Gangsta!! This is a project i have been putting off, glad you posted pics so mine will be easier to make now that i have something to look at well done!!!!!!!
Nice balls.... When I built mine a couple years ago I didn't glue it just left it compression fit so I can take it out of the basement if I wanted to.
Thanks Schultzy. I am a handyman in training I guess. The DIY forum over on AT is a wonderful place to check out various Do-It Yourself projects. A lot of neat ideas floating around there.
Yep, I did the same on the tuner. Didn't put a drop of glue on it so I could break it down if need be. The stand is small enough and the elbows weren't quite fitting right so I decided to glue them. My next project is gonna be a doooozy!
Actually I just paid him the $100 I won at the GTG to build the rack for me. I had nothing to do with the project. See those bar stools near the bench? I sat back, cracked open a Coke and watched the kid do his thang. In all seriousness, I am honored a real Do-It Yourselfer would use my pictures for a blueprint. :d Ohh by the way, that will be a $45.50 charge for prints Dink. :evil:
Thanks bud. My next PVC creation might be the best of the bunch. P.S. Wherever you post tonight I'll just follow you around.
Sorry, I missed replying to this. If you bought full length of 1" x 10' PVC you are probably looking at under $30 for both the tuning rack and bow holder. If you have a Menards, Lowes, Home Depot, etc. by your place I would run there. I went to the local Ace Hardware and they charged me a pretty penny for the pipe insulation, various extra elbows, and tees I needed to finish the bow holder off. I can't really remember how much the elbows and tees went for at Menards but they were much cheaper. When I thought about building the tuning rack it never even crossed my mind to build a bow holder. Therefore, my budget was a little high due to buying about half of my fittings at Ace.