As I drove over the hill this morning I was greeted with the sight of a FULL Moon right in my face. I allways here the addage of less deer sightings on such nights as they tend to go back to beds early. So just curious, what did you see this morning?? Ill start. I went to one of my Doe kiling spots in hope of a Nanny this morning, as im letting my Buck spot air out a bit. I seen Naddy, el zippo My son was 40 yards away, and we were hoping to double on some Does (we have before) He seen a nice buck and said he thought that I sould have seen it to, as it parraled both of us As Mobow mentioned, just how many get by us that we dont see. Did the moon affect yall's hunting??
I saw 8 this morning, 2 different doe groups with little ones, and a decent 2.5 8pt. Had from movement from daybreak up until 9:30am, left my stand at 10:30. Saw 3 does this evening about 6pm.
I saw NADA, Dan . I'm not a big fan of full moons, during the season. I am getting back out tonight, however :D
Evening of October 2 I peeked over the hillside to the field edge where my stand is, I saw a deer grazing in front of my stand, I didn't peek anymore, thats all I needed to see, I went back the evening of the 3rd.... Nothing...
Seen a bunch moving last night. It was cloudy here so I think the effect is less. As for this morning all I saw was my wife.:D
Thats right Dano, Issac speaks with a truthful tounge :D I ought a......:D I slept in this morning to get recharged, Im back at it tonight and every morning until Thursday night when i go back to work full moon or not!!
Passed a 2.5 year old 8 pointer at 7:20 am this morning. Was actually my first buck sighting this year!
i honestly havnt seen much deer at all this year so far....only a few does, no horns, kinda depressing, been crappy weather though..real windy and rainy...
Nadda!!! Have only seen one deer while on stand in 4 hunts. I really dont enjoy early season that much. Yes I am happy to be out but have never killed a buck prior to Oct 13.