My missouri buck This is my 122 6/8 I shot in Missouri this morning. I will officially enter it in the contest when I get home.
Great buck preachnhunt!! Congratulations on sealing the deal with him! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
man i hope my luck changes. spent all day working on vehicles. my truck brakes didnt turn out so good. ive changed many brakes but these went horrible. ill be messing with them again tomorrow instead of hunting
Ok guys I've got my doe entered. Sorry took so long. Been busy and time got away from me. On to searching for my buck now.
These are the two bucks I'll be going after in a week. The tall 8 is the one I finally seen in stand on Sunday.
I'll enter my buck to the scorecard today. Here's the story. Got home from college in Syracuse Friday afternoon around 1:30. Went to my girlfriends house to shoot bows and wouldn't you know it, I left my bow at her house. Luckily my dad got stuck on an overtime shift at work and I was able to call him to make sure I could take his. Shot it a few times before taking my little brother and my climber out to our 52 acres behind the house. The whole south edge of our land is bordered by the state thruway which is a great thing when the rut starts to heat up, with does basically running back and forth. Got up in my climber at 3:30 about 150 yards off the thruway, with my brother in a ladder stand between me and the road. We were hoping that if they were going to be chasing, they'd have to go passed one of us. This was only the third time I've hunted back there this year and every time I've had a tall four point come in to under twenty yards. Well wouldn't you know around 4:55 he comes walking right to me. He milled around 15 yards in front of me for a while and then he started looking behind me. That's when I heard a deer coming from downwind behind me but moving to my right. I slowly look back and there is what looks like a shooter. I was able to stand up, range him at 30 yards and draw as he moves in front of me. I quietly bleat to stop his stride and like they always do, took two extra steps before stopping behind a tree that covered all of his vitals looking up at me. After being drawn for about thirty seconds, he takes two more steps giving me a perfect quartering away shot. Settle the thirty yard pin right behind his last rib and release the arrow. Hit right where I aimed and he takes off. Within his first three steps, his back end was already slipping out from behind him and he fell 40 yards from the shot. From spotting him to watching him expire, it was no more than a minute and a half. I was ecstatic to say the least. Made my phone calls and decided to head back to the house with the little brother to wait for my girlfriend and her little brother to come do the "tracking". By 5:40 we made it to the spot of impact and the four year old did a great job of following blood. It was an amazing experience getting to share it with them. We got to the buck quickly and there were hugs and high fives all around The entrance was right behind the last rib and the exit came out his chest. Definitely one of my most memorable bucks because of the people that I was able to share it with. Here's a picture of him last weekend. And on the ground Sorry for the long read! Hopefully I can get a doe on the ground this weekend and either my brother or girlfriend, Sydney, a buck as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sweet we just got a 243 point shot of points from CML and Preachnhunt! Add in Timmy's doe and we just put up 293 points!!!! Lets keep this train rolling guys! My four day hunt was kind of a bust. I had the chance to fill another doe tag but the deer were small so I passed. Also had a couple small 8pt's come out a few times but no decent bucks. All of my cameras are showing that the majority of my deer are nocturnal so hopefully that changes as the highs drop into the 60's next week. I will be back down there Friday night for an entire week so hopefully I can get something done.
great story cml! congrats again, that's an awesome buck and a great shot! Keep at it Henson, they'll start showing up during daylight hours soon enough!
Has anyone heard from Illinoishunter102 lately? Just curious how his season is going. We have filled 3 of 12 doe entries for 150 pts. We have also filled 4 of 12 buck entries for 417 6/8 pts. Total of 567 6/8 points
I was thinking the same thing. Sorry for getting the teams hopes up! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
oh its gonna happen! i mean... i hope it happens... haha. This friday cant come soon enough. ive got a week to get it done.