Put a buck on the ground tonight guys. Won't score very high but it was a great hunt. I watched him thrash trees for about 10-15 minutes and by the time he got to me I was drawn without even realizing it.
Great job Ruger! It honestly doesn't matter what he scores because points are points especially if its more than 50. If everyone on this team can take a buck and a doe that will put us in the running! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
He scores big. you said it was a "Great hunt". That's the only score that really matters. The rest is just inches. Great job RugerRedbone!
Congrats Red! Sounded like a great hunt. To draw and not realize it...talk about training yourself to execute and being focused! Awesome man
I was fired up watching watching him work those trees over, that's for sure. Definitely a smaller deer than I would typically shoot but I'm thrilled with him. I still have a lot of season left with a pocket full of whitetail tags and two Sika tags.
Sorry guys I haven't been on lately. Had a ton of things going on. Had a family matter that put me out all of last week. With that I did go out the last day of Sept to KY. Had 5 does walk right behind tree I had climbed. I drew and settled on the largest and released. Well that didn't end so well. I forgot to reach out over the edge of my climber. Smack my limb on it and cracked it. I is so so on shootable for now. I got new limbs ordered so hopefully they are here by the end of week. I did manage to go out opening day here in IN. Did see my number 1 hitlister but he stayed around 75 yards and wouldn't come in any closer. I seen him again yesterday morning, well his silhouette that is, he left about 35 min before light. Hopefully I can put something together soon with him or our number 2. I will be after a doe soon due to we are lower on deer meat than I ever have been. LOL Congrats to everyone putting points on the board. That's already a nice start with most places just starting.
Sounds like you got some action timmy! I also have family issues. My dad has been battling cancer and is now back in hospital with bad infection. Good news is the antibiotics look to be doing their job. I'm on 4 hrs sleep and working another 12 hr shift till midnight tonight but with this cold front pushing in I will be on stand tomorrow AM. 42 degrees here at 7 am. Should be a good morning
Ferg. Excellent deer hauler. Hope you get to use it on a big'un soon Timmy. Sorry about your bow. You should get it fixed in time to tag one of your hit list. Shocker. Good luck tomorrow. Prayers for your dad.
Finally found a good pinch point that some does are using to access the property I hunt, only problem is there aren't a lot of good trees to put a stand in. The only one that looks doable is this narly old cottonwood that looks to be half dead. Think I might hang a stand in it tomorrow and wait to hunt it until next week. Weather in the Dakotas will be in the 70's and 80's this weekend so I won't be out. Good luck to everyone that will be!
Well this morning was a success. Not a filled tag but awesome morning in the woods. Had 4 does sneak in on me. The first one was a nice mature one. By the time I could grab my bow and get drawn on her she was quartering away really hard. The one behind her was a yearling. She bolted through the crossing not allowing me a shot. The other two were little knob heads. One came under me at 8 yds.(I'm not that desperate yet ) The big mature doe came back in a lane at 53 yds broadside. I practice that shot but wasn't feeling confident so I let down and enjoyed watching them mill around. Everything is still so green in the timber, they snuck up on me quick. Can't wait till some of these leaves drop.
Smart move Shocker. There's no sicker feeling than taking an iffy shot and regretting it. Still early.