my plans for this evening are pushed to tomorrow evening. Found out my daughter has a recital tonight..... no one informs me of anything lol. Good luck to you all
In the stand this morning. Little bucks sparring and some does so far. Supposed to "cool" down tomorrow so I think I'll take a doe if one comes within range. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's fall break here and we are kenneling sixty dogs. No hunting for me for a few days,but when all the people leave the hurricane zone and come home I will be all over it.
I told my buddy who went out this morning to just hunt the stand I was gonna hunt this evening. He just shot a doe, got busted by a doe and her fawns earlier and said he could've shot 2 more.....Sounds like a good day to be on stand
Shocker, that's called good karma. Next time you'll be out you'll see 15 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I put down an 8 pt last evening October 8th...not my finest shot liver hit but I recovered the buck 200 yards away about 5 hours after the shot. Spitfire Doublecross put a big diamond shaped entrance and exit hole. I had a great blood trail all the way. Arrow hung up at the fletching on the offside then fell out at 50 yards. I knew I had hit him back and he was slightly quartering to me. Arrow was dark red covered in blood. I backed out. Gut job revealed liver, diaphragm and stomach had massive holes. Impressed with the to work on taking more time at the shot. Not my biggest buck, but I'm happy to take him. I'll get it entered when I get up in the AM...long night of dragging and canoeing to get him out. Time to snooze
Nice job JDUB! I had some good action this morning before I had to leave for work. Tonight should be a good sit, dropping my girlfriend off at her stand (the best on the property) and then climb up in mine hopefully to see some deer. Won't think twice about shooting a doe tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
well im sitting for the first time this year. I had to back out of the spot I wanted to go because the skeeters were about to literally carry me away. At a spot on higher ground now. we'll see!
First hunt of the year and couldn't help myself. One tag filled. Still have one more buck tag and some doe tags.
didn't see any deer tonight but after the mosquitos faded away I watched the birds squirrels and wood ducks. turned out to be a nice evening. bring on the hard cold fronts!
A guy picked up his dog from our kennel today and said he was a deer hunter,but he just doesn't like non typicals. He isn't sure what to do with this one . I told him I will be glad to come and cull that one out for him.
If it shows sideways before I attach I will edit the pic. Crop it a little bit. then it shows up straight. just have to choose the pic from photo editor gallery. but this is on a galaxy s6. Super Buck btw!!!