Nice buck! Good luck getting after him! Good luck to everyone who's season has started already. 15 more days here..
Guys, I'm alive. Wish I had a better story to tell but I do not. Had the best hunting experience of my life this past week. Long story short, on the second day of the hunt I wounded a big 6x6 at twenty yards. Hit higher than I wanted and tracked him for two days with no prevail. Makes me sick but I've got no excuses. We did end up getting a little 5x5 that came in 5 minutes after I had hit the bigger bull. I'll post pictures in a little bit. Checking cams first thing when I get home. Getting really excited for the opener October 1st. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I hit an elk with a 300 win mag and had the same thing happen. We thought it was a good hit. I' ll never know what happened, but they're very tough animals.
My girlfriends brother is the one with the bull. Ran 30 yards up a hill and came right back down rolling. It was awesome to see. I found the nice 5 point brown when I was looking for the bull that I hit. Colorado was full of ups and downs, I'll be back next year and hopefully many years after that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Y'all got some good lookin bucks showing up. Well I snuck out of work early I'll be back in Idaho tonight. Gonna go do some spotting tomorrow. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Gonna be out this evening checking cameras. Can't wait to see what shows up! So far behind this season that this week is going to be crazy trying to get everything done!
Didn't make it out to check the cameras but planning on it in the morning if I finish re-fiberglassing my canoe!
I did find out today that I drew a one week hunt permit for a private spot near me that I will have to my self so I am excited about that! Now more work to get done. Guess it's time to do some more scouting!
Either way, those tracts generally produce deer. We have an urban hunt in Green Bay and one area is right down the street from me and is on a draw system. Did not get drawn this year (first year in this house) but will keep trying. I had a trail camera out for about 3 months and had plenty of does, a few small bucks, and about 100 garbage bears (raccoons).
Set up for the afternoon. First thing to present an easy shot gets it. Still to warm for a prolonged track job.