I keep thinking about buying one but I just haven't decided if I like hunting out of a blind enough to shell out the cash. Right now I have an Ameristep bone collector blind. It does the job for now. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
I hear ya. we bought these on a great sale at Rogers Sporting goods. I'd never pay full price for one and we only got them for the kids. I have a cheap $100 True timber one that works too and I plan on putting up also. You can tell the difference in quality though for sure.
I am about to order a ground blind but haven't decided which yet. Want a double bull but not sure I want to spend that much.
I wouldn't spend that much either. me and a buddy each picked one up on sale normally $399 and we got for $199. I'd wait for a sale or get something cheaper.
Well guys went out tonite and was pretty slow. Prob could have put 50 points on board for us but I was waiting on a fuzzy antler. LOL Ended up only seeing 2 does. Got home and checked my sd card and only had 2 buck which were both hard antlered already. So I gues I should have shot one of those does. O well maybe next time.
Hey no problem man. Most of us would have done the same thing. You will probably whack a doe next time out. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
Sorry I've been a bit quiet lately. Work has been crazy and my schedule changed so working evenings now. Planning to spend time at the farm finishing all my prep work and final camera check!
A few more days of work an I'll be heading home. Can't wait to get out in the woods. Hopefully the bucks we spotted before I had to take off are still in the same areas. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
10 more days until opener here. Already told my wife not to expect to see me next weekend until I return on Sunday. I cheated this year and started the beard early so I'm ready.
80 degrees at 5:00 this morning, not worth it to me. I'll be waiting till Monday when it's supposed to drop of by 20.
Got word last night we received the much needed rain down on our farm. Its been a little over a week since I planted my plots and was in desperate need of moisture. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
I have a good one patterned pretty well. Sunday it's supposed to be mid fifties in the morning. Time to make a move.