Watching Full Circle and shaking my head....what a great video so far...and the best thing I ve heard yet was this.. "whatever ego I had is gone....Im just a bowhunter again.." said Todd after coming to the realization that he lost a great buck on marginal hit. You gotta love that humility and many other dvds will you see that kind truth and gospel spoken? very few of us will ever know how many bucks go unfound in the professional dvds b/c of marginal hits, not this guy and not this dvd series...when he says reality bowhunting, he means it...Todd, this is the best of em so far as I can tell..Im half way through it and already going to lend out..
So what did you think of it after you finished the entire video? Think I am going to watch it again tonight!
Man only watching it once is a mistake, I have watched it about 4 times now and I keep seeing or hearing something I missed the first 3 times trough it!! Va. glad you are liking it so far!! Walt
Watched it last night guys, I've gotta say that I'm completely blown away with the quality of it, really wasn't expecting it to be that good. I've got dozens of videos, I rarely have the attention span to watch one the whole way through but I did just that last night. I too can appreciate the candid story of what really happens out there, instead of sweeping it under the rug. This is the first WKP video I have bought (have seen the others though when Matt/PA brought them to my cabin last fall), and it's the best video in my collection. Keep making them like this one and I will keep buying them.
Learned quite a bit about their bump/dump aggressive setup method. That's one that I'm going to employ on some new ground next year.
I have had the vedio for I guess maybe 3 weeks and have only had the time to watch about 30 minutes of it. Hope to view the whole thing this weekend. Part of the problem is I want to watch it on the 50 inch HD set but can't get it to muself for an extended period of time
Wow - thanks guys! It's this type of stuff that makes doing these DVD's so worth all the work! Glad you guys like it. If you haven't seen Full-Circle, I will refund your money if you don't think it is worth the $14.99 price once you've watched it. Thanks again guys - have a great shed hunting season! Todd
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is full circle? Does it have anything to do with White Knuckle Productions? Is there a website I can check it out on? Sounds Cool though. Great attitude for the camera.
Shawn, The name Full Circle came from when we started making DVD's this is the one we have been waiting for to make as all the teams really stepped up to the plate and laid down some awesome footage. It is also the 365 days a year we do this little thing call whitetail hunting we are addicted to it and we show our shed hunting footage velvet footage scouting and hunting hence the name Full Circle!! Walt
Im finished and I think overall it was fantastic view. I like the camera work and the story line...The only thing I was a bit disappointed on was the music... I know...what is it with me and the music thing?? But to me it really brings a dvd or show to the forefront...I mean we all can remember our favorite tv show theme song, "Welcome Back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back .... " just kidding on that ...but the background music was not fitting for the tone of the dvd in my opinion...I loved the music for beyond the kill and the grind a little less, and this not at all.. Todd is the type of guy that likes to hear the truth and Im telling him my opinion...The dvd is great, great bucks, great filming and editing, and story line. Music was not on par though. But I do NOT want my $$ back!! Hell Im getting ready to order the new hat that I did not order when I bought the video!!
IMO - the music was sweet! It was all writen for us - and the best I've heard. It is VERY tough to put music to a hunting video. Not much out there that really fits much. The hard rock guitar riff thing has already been done. We will NEVER go that route, it's about as common as a fake recovery. Not on my watch! Thanks for the review though man! Everyone is entitled to their opinion; just be prepared for an explanation.
Todd.. I think the music in the first dvd was the best I have ever heard on a hunting video.. You will never please everyone. Some guys say the dvd moves too slow, but I never got that from the video. I told them that there is a story line to everyone of your videos, not just cut to the scene kill and score. Hey, you won't find a bigger supporter than me bud. You know that I love eveything yall stand for. The music wasn't my taste, but like you said, to you it was the best yall have ever done. Difference in taste..over all I give the dvd a 9 out 10. you can't get much better than that.
I hear you. Believe me, by this point I know we can't please EVERY-SINGLE hunter out there. I've said it before, considering how "different" our videos really are, and considering what the current "big boys" produce; I'm surprised we don't have more negative feedback. This either tells me there are far more of "us" out there - or people just don't care. Not sure which is the case??? As always though, I appreciate any feedback because it tells me people have a connection with what we are doing. It can be tough to hear a negative on a specific point that we meant to be the way it is. If I'm having a bad day (like this morning Minnie), sometimes I react poorly to it. You guys would understand what I mean when you put the time into producing these like we do. Thanks again - we will keep on keepin' on!