Some great footage of mature bucks! This was my first time watching any WKP dvd's and I have to be honest I really enjoyed it. I watched it back to back because I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything. Great DVD and a bunch of guys who really have a passion for what they are doing. Keep up the good work guys!
WooHooo My package from just arrived. It's like christmas, I can't wait to watch the video.
Yea its awesome. The Grind is very well done too, I'm a fan of their style of hunting. I'm looking forward to being more aggressive and mobile this fall, I learned some tips from these videos.
I'm waiting for my annual gtg w/my buds that I have every summer. But I just might have a sneak peak at it.
Well I got done watching Full Circle Video that I just purchased. I am very disappointed! I am disappointed to the fact that now I have shell out cash for the other videos. Very well done guys I must say. It was a little bummer that Grafs buck kill was not really captured but he was hunting alone so it is understandable. I was a little disappointed at El DIablo because there was 2 of them and the communication must of just been off. It seemed that he was on him right up until the shot which was weird. But I have to tell you that was priceless seeing that Michigan man's reaction. I forget his name at the moment. Great Video Todd, Walt and the WKP crew, I can't wait for more. Now I need a WKP decal for my rig. Glad to support you guys especially when I enjoyed the video as much as I did. Kudos!
It is just awsome that everyone is enjoying it so much. The response on everywhere has been just like this!! Be sure to check out the first two dvd's if you haven't already!