This is the Hardcore Buckle foldback with swept back trigger, by Tru Fire, It's new for 2011 and the best and most expensive one they sell. It sells for 99.00 but I'll sell it for 60.00 with 5.00 shipping to CONUS. PayPal only, will ship same day USPS flat rate. This is brand new, never been used. Here's the specs from their website: Link Here's the pic of what I have:
Have you used this type of release before? What are the pro's and con's? Would you consider taking any less? Thanks for your time.
My brother has one, I've used it, and like it alot. It's extremely crisp. It also is very adjustable. I bought it but am now getting out of bowhunting due to a shoulder injury. Right now, I'm not willing to take less. I'm not in a hurry to sell it. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks. 612-221-5616 Steve