I'm selling a bow for my buddy, it is a 2007 Hoyt Vectrix. It is right handed at a 28" draw length with 60-70lb limbs. The bow comes with a Toxonics toolless microadjustable dovetail sight, trophy taker shakey hunter rest, Hoyt/Fuse Stabilizer and custom strings. I believe the original strings and cables will be included and are in like new condition. Everything to your door for $600. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
So your selling it for a friend you say. Think I remember you shooting a simular bow at the G2G back before you started trying out some other brands. Looks to me like you are finally making the switch. Guess I won't be transfering a camp spot to your name this year! LOL
Definitely similar... but not the same bow, my arms are longer than that... You were thinking of this bow... Here's the link to where that bow was sold. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=717646
The Reflex bows are basically a more economical version of the hoyts with slightly less impressive specs. It's basically the Bowtech/Diamond or Mathews/Mission deal. Personally I always felt that the "higher end" bows were slightly more ergonomic.
Is 28" as far as this will pull? or is that still adjustable. I need at least 29.5" Bare bow, is that a possibility? I'm still not sold on the rest style, and the sights are something that I would be keeping from my current bow. I would have to talk to the wife about this. And be a very very good boy for a very very long time. What were the stats on this bow? FPS, etc...
Total draw is 28.5 with the d-loop. You can probably get it to 29" by working with the cables, but to get to 29.5" it will take a cam swap, my shop will do the labor for free and you can sell the cams for the same you can by the others for. I personally love this rest, but I understand it's all personal prefernce. Bare bow is definitely a possibility. IBO - 316 ATA - 33" Weight - 4.4lbs Brace Height - 7" Let me know what you think!!
Like I mentioned. It is going to take a lot of tounge twisting with the wife, but I might be able to pull it off. I will let you know after our taxes get done this weekend. For sure a possibility. How smooth is the pull on these? For comparison, My dad shoots a Growler...I love it. I picked it out. He bought it. B@st@rd...
If MNKK isn't able I may be interested in buying it. I currently have a Bear Vapor 300 and I am wanting to get a Hoyt.
The draw cycle is about as smooth as you'll find. It's not harsh like a binary cam system, you won't be disappointed. I'd say slightly smoother than the growler, but fairly similar.