Pretty cool, from yesterday evening to this evening the buck I thought was a real nice 9 turned into at least a 12'er within 24 hours!!! Stickers every where. The other buck I've been watchin with him shed his velvet within the same period! Both racks covered in blood, ya gotta love it! Season opens Saturday.
Yeah Joe that sounds great. Some GPS coordinates of where you have been seeing him would be helpful as well. :D
Good luck Joe, sounds like an awesome deer. Be sure to post up the pics right away when you put him on the ground
Good luck in your pursuit of him. It's pretty cool how fast deer antlers can grow given the right nutrition and conditions.
Brad, I'm at Mauthe Lake now, been here all week calling coyotes, scouting and shining, be here thru the weekend, campsite 205 if your hunting around here.