Knowing it was going to be hot and humid today, I mowed until 11:30 last night and then got back up at 5:00 and started again. By 2:00PM it was 98 degrees and a heat index of 110. I decided enough was enough when I drank 4 bottles of water in one hour and didn't have to urinate. Came inside, cleaned up and took a nap. Woke up at 5:00 to the sound of thunder and went outside to make sure all the buildings were buttoned up tight. I looked at the thermometer and it still read 98. Drove over to the pole barn and locked it up and drove back to the extra garage to shut the door there. When I stepped out of the truck a North wind kicked up right now! Felt so good! I closed the garage door and pulled the truck back up in front of the house. Stepped out and it was cool outside with a strong wind. Walked over to the porch and looked at the thermometer again and it was down to 75 degrees! This was a 23 degree drop in 15 minutes. After 30 minutes of a cool North wind, it started raining and has been raining since. They're calling for up to 5" of rain. Glad I cut the grass in the yard when I did! Of course, tomorrow 92 and humid. Just walked outside again and it's 68 degrees! What a relief, for now.