Hey, for all you guys hunting inthe snow clean ALL the snow out of your cams before drawing your bow. I learned this the hard way. Climbed into my stand brushed most of the snow off,did a practice draw and the string rolls off the cam!Argggg! Luckily the good people at Badgerland Archery in Portage Wi were able to fix it for me on the spot! I wish I could report that I killed one today but the vampire deer didn't come out during daylight. So remember, don't lay your bow inthe snow and clean it off well!
Thanks Andy! Yes those are good people over at badgerland and sometimes they offer some pretty good deals also.
Get you one of those Primos Bow Slings and you won't have that problem. They have cover that protect the cams. http://www.bowhunting.com/shopping/Products/Primos-Bow-Sling__6422.aspx
This was going to be my advice as well. That Primos sling/cover is one of my fav accessories! If I'm not shooting or in my stand, that bow sling is on ALL the time. I like it the most for protecting and keeping my cams clean and clear of debris. You dont pick up crap while pulling your bow up off the ground. Equally important, it also protects your sting. I actually took off the sling itself off. I like to have my bow in my hands so I can weave through the tighter areas on the way in.
Wow glad you didn't get hurt!!! Yep snow can be pretty but also very dangerous climbing up a tree or getting on your bow.. Walt
Well the next day used a screw in step to keep the bow off thesnow,until I climbed up and hauled it up The bowsling sounds like a great idea!.
i have one of those and love it, first for the above stated reason of snow and other debris, and because i like it for walking to and from my stands, especially when it's dark and i'm not going to have to draw on anything, plus i'm lazy so slinging it over my shoulder is way better than carrying it in my hand the whole way glad you didn't get hurt