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Freshen up that old target!!!!

Discussion in 'DIY Archery & Hunting Projects' started by choppernut, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. choppernut

    choppernut Weekend Warrior

    Aug 16, 2010
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    Southwestern Minnesota
    So I have a black hole target that has seen much better days. After shooting how many arrows through it, I was starting to get some arrows that were about to pass through so it was time to fix the problem. photo 1.jpg photo 2.jpg photo 3.jpg

    I decided instead of spending another $50-$100 on another target, I was going to get a second life out of this one. This target has two bands holding it together and luckily I have access to a banding machine at work so that where the next few pictures were taken. You can go to a local implement dealer or a shipping company and they should have one and I'm sure if you ask, they would help out with this.

    I cut the bands and took out the portion that was getting shot through. I then rebanded the target and WHALA!!!!
    photo 4.jpg photo 5.jpg The portion on the left is the part that I took out. As you can see, the front still has some printing on it but the back is a clean slate!!

    I then printed off a target that I would want to print and took a razor blade to it to cut out my circles. I didnt cut a complete circle, I left just a little bit every 90 degress.
    photo 6.jpg photo 7.jpg

    I then took some push pins and pinned it to my target on the back side (clean slate) and then took some cardboard and covered the other side so I wouldnt get any overspray on it. I looked around the garage and found some Gold paint so thats what I'm using. photo 8.jpg photo 9.jpg

    Here are the end results of what they look like. I put the two targets on the one side and then I only put one on the back side so that way you are shooting at three different areas instead of just the center. photo 10.jpg photo 11.jpg photo 12.jpg

    As you can see, the arrows only come through just a little bit, which verifies that the banding was tightend just right!! You can also see just the one target in the middle.
    photo 13.jpg

    If I were to change one thing which I still might; I would make the center ring completly filled in, that way when I get out to 40-60 yards, it will be easier to see!!

    Happy Hunting!!!
  2. bowhunter448

    bowhunter448 Grizzled Veteran

    Aug 26, 2012
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    Northeastern NV
    Very nice. I would have never thought of strapping it together.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2014
  3. Slugger

    Slugger Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Eastern NC
    Turned out great. My block is about out of life too. I don't know if it will have a second go around

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