What does everyone do during the time in which they are just sitting in their blind or stand, and they are just waiting for that big buck to walk on by?
Take it all in. It's one of the few times I can just THINK. Call me corny, but I also get a little nostalgic thinking back on past hunts, etc. I also look for deer
Believe it or not I sing to my cameraman seeing he has on his earphones, at least untill he hits me!!!Walt
BWahahaha thats awesome!! I generally have no problem sitting, I will play brick breaker on my phone if it gets bad
usually like to text my bowhunting buds until primetime, but of course always on task because you never can be too ready. Gotta love taking it all in tho
Sometimes. I throw stuff at squirrels. Often. I take pictures of myself with my cell phone making a kissy face with a peace sign in there, then e-mail it to myself and immediately post it up on Facebook.
Read, stretch, drink a little soda, wish I had a chew in, take annoying pics of my face and send them to my wife.
I sit still, deep in thought - or thoughtless, lower the heart beat, lazy, not working... ...but ready to pounce if needed
I try to keep the toys away but if it gets bad and there isn't any movement then I will from time to time pull my phone out and surf around a few internet sites or text a few friends to see how their hunt is going. However, MOST of the time I prefer to just sit still and observe all that is going on.
it goes in stages for me first im watching very closely just knowing that big bucks about to pop out then when he dosent ill start looking around at othre things enjoying nature finaly out comes the phone and im texting the wife
My first year i got bored and texted... My second year i got bored and read... My third year i started noticing more things, and mostly filmed scenery... This year is all about being alert with the camera rolling...
Watch and plot my move for a deer here or there or where ever. Sometimes I just watch it all happen... or NOT. I do isometrics to stay tuned. I pull the bow back evey once in a while, depend on temperature. Really cold I'll be pulling every half hour or so. Text???? Read??? Play games???? I don't think so.
i remind myslef that i could be at work..........and sitting out in the woods.........and i remember to enjoy the moments that we have to hunt!
I'm with you, man. Hunting is a good time to get away from the world of cellphones and irritating people!