Thanks for looking guys. Glad I could help you out. I'm officially out of harnesses until I buy another stand or get a Muddy harness. If you or someone you know is climbing a tree without a harness, please send me a PM immediately. I can gladly give away a harness plus a copy of the instructions that came with the Loggy Bayou stands I just bought. These are new, never worn harnesses which will also include a lineman's belt and tree tether. I have no use for them as I already have two harnesses for personal use. Instead of collecting dust, I would rather these be used to possibly save a life. Please PM me so I can establish an order of interest.
See, I knew right away you were a good guy! Don't listen to Buckeye, he's been too crunk for too long.
Great offer Dave I actually started using a harness because someone on HNI gave me one and convinced me to use it
Good deal Will. I know some of the harnesses that come pre-packaged with the stands are a pain to use, but it sure beats the alternative.
Thanks! I still have one harness left! If you need more than one, I believe my buddy Dubbya has a few to give away as well! Here's the link to Dubbya's thread:
I'm gonna be ordering a treestand this year , do all stands come with free harness ? . If not , i'll take one and sort something on the shipping .
As far as I know, all NEW treestands come with TMA approved saftey harnesses so you should be good. If not, let me know. I have another stand coming in which I will have YET another harness to give away.