Had a gun buddy shoot me this in an e-mail... Spread this around In case you were not aware... The NRA is giving FREE 1-yr memberships to everyone who wants to join. They are trying to build up their membership to fight pending legislation that impacts our right to keep and bear arms. It is very important that anti-gun congressmen see how many people they will have to fight to get their legislation through. https://www.nrahq.org/nrabonus/accept-membership.asp PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!! This can include spouses and children also.
Yeah and sign up for the free year and you'll get 1000 more calls. I seriously think they'd have more members if they weren't so over-bearing!!!
I wish they had some checkbox that said "Please don't hound me for more money until 3 months before my renewal". I don't even open their mail anymore because it is usually a request/demand for more money wrapped in the guise of some alarmist warning. I recently joined this organization and they haven't repeatedly asked for more money in the first couple months. Refreshing. You can get their updates for free and if you join you can get a newsletter but they really do fight for our rights on all levels, at least from what I can see. Good organization, check it out. U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance
Agreed 1,000,000 percent on the phone calls, and I totally went off on the last idiot from there who called me for the sixth day in a row at one point. I signed my wife up on the above link, and entered our home phone number -- which we just cancelled a couple weeks ago because we're going cell-phone only from here on out. :d
Are a few extra phone calls & pieces of junk mail that a serious deterrant to so many people that they would rather lose thier gun ownership rights as well as other freedoms?
They still haven't answered my letter from December regarding a flim flam and DVD's I didn't order. I'm dropping my membership when it expires. I'm done with them, and just after I gave a friend a membership for Xmas.
I was wondering when they would offer this. I kept getting phone calls for money and to join. I said if you need my signature I'll give it to you but if you want my money this is the wrong time. The guy didn't ask for my signature. That was about 1 month ago. I signed up they are our only hope at fighting these people. It should be a free membership and pay for the free gift.
Rick, this site will give you an inkling of what they're trying to pass now that they've got they're man in place... http://www.nraila.org/
I agree... I WAS an NRA member for many years (25+) and I grew tired of all the calls and mailings asking me for more money... The way I see it, they were using my own money to call and mail me asking me for more... They've been calling my home phone a lot here lately...I've just been ignoring the calls... With that being said, I may join again sometime but they really need to make a few changes first...
Jeff, I glanced over it quickly before posting the link to give Rick a place to look. I took his question at face value, and was trying to be helpful. Having said that though, smack dab in the middle of the page is the headline announcing the attorney general's wishes to renew the assault rifle ban now that another liberal is in office. I'd say there's damn good reason to be cautious and extra careful any time a Democrat gets near a pen, whether it's with gun laws or anything else.