Sweet Rob! That's a chick magnet there for sure! How could any woman not want that in her house? LOL...stay single
No worries there Will. My house has been branded as "Man Town" by more than one woman (might have to do with the brown bear, moose and reindeer in the livingroom). Some take to it better than others, others I just have to distract with shiny metal objects! I take it in stride on my way to the kegerator. They've all been saying I need a dog, now they can't complain.
Thanks guys! Now it's just a matter of getting it here. It gets to go on a cruise; FedEx to Seattle and freighter from there to Kodiak. It was nearly $200 from MI to Kodiak via FedEx. I may see it by the end of April, still pretty fast considering all the other taxidermists I checked were nearly double the price and treble the wait.