Some of you may remember this fox that I got last bear season. The taxidermist (Gary Kozak of All About Taxidermy) got it finished right on time as promised and it's an amazing job!
Very very nice, I love the mount, I hate seeing the fox/coyote/bobcat mounts with their mouths open showing their teeth, drives me nuts. He really nailed the eyes on the mount, that is awsome. I can't wait to get my yote back, I gotta get ahold of my taxidermist here within the next few weeks so I can drop the rest of the money I owe him off.
Awesome mount!!! Man, that thing is a WHOLElot bigger than the foxes running around down here What is that he's mounted on?
I remember your thread on that fox, beautiful fox!! I can't wait for my dad to get his back, his Is also a cross red fox. Congratulation's once again there Kodiak!! The mount looks spectacular!!
Very nice! I'll second BM's opinion on mounts with mouths open. That mount of yours look's so much more natural.
That is an awesome mount!! He really loks like he could just walk right off of that rock. You're taxi did a great job.