ok my gf's dad has two monsters almost every night come too his back yard he has been hunting them all year and well this morning i went to their house and both were in the yard with only half of their racks. so we went out looking today for the sheds and found both of them not twenty feet in the woods next to a fence. the fence is like chicken fencing and its only three foot tall but anyhow i left both were they sat im gonna go tomm and take pics cause i only had my phone and didnt wanna take a crappy pic so i will have a few good pics of the racks. The one has some monster mass to it and some really cool deffinition. PICS ARE HALF WAY DOWN PAGE
hey didnt get to go over today because its christmas to busy but im deff goin over tomm forsure so ill get photos up tomm night
my girlfriends dad went and got them for me yesterday since i wasnt gonna get to their house before dark and he found the other side not 10 feet from where the one was its a sweet deer theres 15 total scoring point on the rack and he said he might have a couple trail cam pics of this deer if he does hes gonna send them too me so here they are guys i think these are gonna be the best ones i find i forgot to take a pic of the other one half its a 4 but its gonna score like 70 inches hope everyone enjoys these