That's a huge bummer. At least you found him. Make sure you contact local DNR and get a salvage tag so you don't get the rack taken away for any reason.
Coyotes? What area do you live in? Could it be that the coyotes got to the deer? We are starting to have a problem with them and fear for the fawns this spring. It has been a tough winter on the herd anyway and some of our cam shots show some pretty skinny deer.
Wow... That's a hoss. Definitely a bummer, but at least you get to close the book on him and move on. Sometimes I think it's worse NOT knowing... I've got boxes of sheds and countless computer folders full of trailcam pics from great bucks that have just gone AWOL, and I actually lose sleep wondering what became of them. Spring comes, and I just go mile after mile through their home ranges, hoping to run into a shed or any other evidence that they're still alive... It's nice to know, even if it's not the answer you're hoping for. Well, at least it looks like his cape is still good. You can clean it up and recycle it on a shoulder mount next fall.