no not a shed. An arrowhead!!:d Found it in my field this weekend. Also found this, looks to be some kind of scraper.
You Missouri guys sure do measure funny. :d That's pretty sweet, maybe you should tune that Bowtech to shoot arrowheads (after turkey season of course):d
Dude I love arrowheads. We used to find them all the time behind mom and dad's house...that's back when the farmers still plowed the fields though.
Yeah, it could be a spear point. That would be a lot of weight on the front of an arrow. I've learned that what most people call bird points are actually the tips used for big game hunting with bow and arrow. The bigger ones are like you said for spears and Atlatl points.
` None that I know of in the area. But if they lived there, I'm sure a few of them died there too. Haven't found any bones yet. No mounds or anything like that either. Just hills and hollows.:d