To make JZ's job just a little harder... I figured this would be a great thread I wish the box we type our responces in was larger and the smiley box was smaller. I wish we had an address book. I wish there were more threads to a forum's page. That's it for now... See you clowns Sunday, I have a GTG to get to
- A "mouse over" feature where we could scroll the cursor over any topic and see a brief clip of what the thread is about (ala Archerytalk) - A way to mark threads for the user to show which ones we have previously replied to.......I lose track on HNI. - more smilies, I'm gonna wear out the ninja guy in a hurry. - A little sexy wouldn't hurt. The whole communist feel of the color scheme is a little depressing. - Free gear to the first 10 members. I'll edit more as they come to me........
:hijack: What about if the smilie with the thread hijacker wore a turbin instead of being a ninja. It just would make more sense to me. Anybody... anybody...
Even though it is, I think we need a fishing forum so I can post some pics of some fish that will make Ryan jealous haha
Looks like that's what avatars are for Can we make the font's smaller? Or at least the little folder icons? Put all the smileys on one page, or make them available to the quick posts?
Mouse-over feature not supported in this forum. I will put in the request to the developers though. We could make the fonts smaller, but the average age and screen resolutions of the hunting community are higher than average so we try to keep things nice and big so you can't miss them. I'd rather have it be too easy to see than not easy enough. Smileys I don't think we can put on one page, but if you learn the quick codes for them you won't need to even us that box anymore.
When I click a users profile, such as mine, it is helpful to see the latest threads I've posted in. I suffer from short term memory loss and know there was a thread I wanted to check on, but can't remember which it was. Ok, I just saw where the last 10 are, but it lists the entire post...I actually like just the thread title...but..I feel dumb, nevermind.
I just found another. I hate having to click in this box before I can start typing. I have lost a few good thoughts having to go back and retype it.:computer:
How about a beginner section.Topics like Form,which broadheads,which arrows,best bows etc would be covered keeping the hunting forums free of these questions all the time.
Looks like the font size has been increased since yesterday, so that's better (as the posts show up on the threads I'm trying to read) Great idea, Matt... except it's got to be the for the first 13 at least. Yeah, I was wishing for the mouse-over feature already too.
It may do it already, but make sure that when we receive a PM it hits our e-mail inbox... Most of the time that's how I'm aware I've got a PM waiting on me.
I don't believe it does Greg. I got a couple PM's today and don't have any e-mails informing me that I got them. The first PM I got a pop up like on HNI, but the rest never had pop-ups, I just noticed that it said I had an unread PM at the top of the main page.
It would be cool if the quotes were shaded like they were on "the other" site. It makes the distinction much easier!
I like the mouse over feature, and the smile face that bends over pulls his pants down and shoots the moon is a must!
I agree with the mouse over feature if you can get it... I also like the mouse over feature when you put the arrow on someones name so you can see what time it was since they were last active. Also, the last post history option that was mentioned... Like in the profiles on another hunting site.
Last post history is already in the profiles. If you look towards the bottom it will show the last 10 posts. It is hard to find if you don't know it exists and it is kind of confusing once you open it but it is there.