Bought some, they looked cool with a new color on the center(black instead of red) and they had a good edge out of the pack. OK that's about everything positive I have. First thing I noticed after screwing them on was they rattle, not terrible but definitely noticeable and noisy to me. It is from the actual blades moving and I'm not talking about the designed movement when the tip is pushed in. The blades have slop in them and if if you jiggle them you can clearly feel and see it. I immediately don't like that. They just don't feel tough/solid. So next I shot them, they did fly good and did ok in my soft block target but after a couple shots into my 3-d one of the blades looked hosed and when I tested it by pushing the tip that blade seemed like it was binding and didn't act right. With accuracy and sharpness I also want extreme durability and I feel like this is the missing link with the Bloodrunners. I noticed they sell the practice heads now and will actually send you one if you already bought the bloodrunners but I can't help but think this is to keep people from practicing with the hunting ones and possibly seeing similiar problems. Putting a band aid on a much bigger problem IMO. If it's not tough enough to practice with I am not trusting it in a hunting situation. At that point my test was over and I hit the net to do some research, should have done that first and I would have read a lot of this info(you don't have to look far for reviews and they are not too favorable, in all honesty they are about 50/50 but the people that don't like them are having similiar problems with durability i.e. broken blades, missing screws, damage to the center piece ) I don't hate them and I really wanted to like them since I do like the design it just didn't work out. I returned them to bass pro and got the ST 100 grains and a pack of replacement blades, for a couple of dollars less. Overall score 6.5 out of 10(-1 for noise/blade slop, -2.5 for durability)
The Rage's actually lock in some what well. I thought they'd be worse but I can't wait to stick one with them I wanna see blood and big holes
I was also debating the use of the Bloodrunners, but with the reviews I read on various sites(which I didn't find a lot) I just decided to go with the rages again this year, they haven't let me down yet, and I had one marginal shot last year that ended with the most devistating wound you could ask for. I like them a lot. I also use G5 strikers which can't be beat either.