When someone comes to you and they follow all of the advice given on this site to obtain permission to hunt someone else's property, what do you guys say? Do you give other people permission to hunt your land? We allow people to use our land to fish and put boats in the Juniata river but it stops there. With owning a little over 30acres its not very practical to allow other people to hunt there with us, other than family and friends.
My dad and I have never had people ask us to hunt, but if we did I don't think we would allow people on our land because we both hunt ourselves, and also have one of my dad's friends hunt with us on about 65 acres of timber and 20 of pasture. We feel that if we have many more people hunt with us it could potentially cut off some opportunities that we would have because deer would get picked off on their way to one of our stands. Around where I live it's almost pointless to ask landowners if you can hunt on their land, because most farmers have realized how much money they can make if they lease to someone, and the rest of the people hunt the land themselves.
Nope. I have several friends who help me keep it up and hunt it...and they bring friends which is fine and I invite people on occassion.....but what it boils down to is that my place is hunted heavy with just the group I currently let hunt. I'm nice and friendly but I say no. SB
My parents own 90acres. I'm primarily the person who hunts it most often. I also do most of the work on it with my father. We let a few friends hunt, and they're very courteous to let us know WHEN they're going to be hunting and where (they ask first). We've had a few people approach us over the years and ask permission, but with the land size, we feel it's already about as "filled up" as we think necessary. I hate to turn hunters away, but we do.
There are some people that I let hunt on some of our farms but nobody has free run on all of it. I will be letting our youth pastor and his 2 young kids hunt one of our farms next year after bow season goes out, so if someone asked now I would be polite and say no.
I have my group but it's getting smaller and I'm going keep it that way. People have to understand if the ownwer hunts he is more than likely not going to let a complete stranger on his land to hunt the same deer.That's why people have to knock on so many doors.
Luckily, nobody ever asks. As stated by others, my land gets enough pressure from my own group. We spend countless hours working our tails off to make it a good hunting situation. It's invite only, not out of greed but practicality.
My dad only allows family to hunt his farm. He did allow some of my friends to come over and hunt (by invite only) when I was still living at home, but now that I am gone it is just family.
When people ask to hunt my place I just tell them that its family land and we hunt it ourselves. It's the truth and for what we pay to the bank each month noone is getting a free ride!