This is my first attempt at one. It's only 8' to 10' wide and 350' long but it's a start. It's Premium Perennial. Planted March 24th
Just out of curiosity... How many acres did you guys plant? How many deer do you think your plots will help sustain?
You dont neccisarily need your own land - mines planted on someone elses farm. You just gotta find a farmer thats down to earth and easy to get along with ! " I know- probobly not that easy" but i lucked out. Ive got about 3/4 acracre plot this year. The farmer and i are already planning on an additional 5 acre plot in a bottom section next year !! I'll get some fresh pics tomorrow and post them.
My field is a little over 5 acres. I have about a half acre of wheat from last fall going to seed with clover frost seeded in it. Then I planted about 2 acres of new clover this spring. Maybe 3/4 acre of RR corn and the rest in a mix of Red Zone, Hot Spot and Maximize (those being a blend of buckwheat, forage beans, peas, sunflower and milo), a deer smorgasborg. Last January I saw 20-30 deer on a few sits. It takes a bunch of food to keep that many deer happy.