either a heart attack or chronic angina, I can now tell you it's not all that it's hyped up to be. So, I highly recommend avoiding both. I can also say that nitroglycerin does not give you an explosive personality. This has been a public service announcement. Have a happy healthy life!
Yeah, it is very scary. I was going to the hospital to see my daughter and I guess I needed to spend more time there than I originally planned. Nothing like going in with pain and having a dr shove a nitro pill under your tongue and slapping a nitro patch on your chest while yelling at nurses to get him this and that. I was told my bp was 180/130 when I got there and the ekg was looking a little whacky. When I left the hospital at 2:00 AM to come home (we came to an agreement that I would rest when I got home, so I didn't have to stay) my bp was 93/60 and everything in the ticker dept had been back to normal for 4 hours. I just wish I could find all the young troops I supervised over the years to show them the ekg tape and prove to them I am not heartless.:d
I guess I owe you a huge thank you Iowa Vet!!! I was just thinking to myself earlier today that I should really go out and get me one of those heart attack things! LOL Really glad to hear that you are alright though!
For you brother, I would recommend a six pack of them for you! lol It'll take more than a little ticker tango to put me down. Going to see a cardiologist on Wednesday for a poke and prod session to get me back on the right track. Mobow, I have evidence now to prove I have a heart if you need documentation.:d
Shultzy, I ain't gonna let this get the better or me. I got too many plans and things to do yet to take up post on eternal guard duty. I did do something out of character though that's bugging me. I called into work today and told them I wouldn't be in today. Kind of feel like I'm screwing off, but know better.