Good luck, I have my game plan, I hope you have yours:D Mine is pretty good I am going to hunt the river bottom behind the hay!!
Im hoping to shot at the "handle bar buck" tomorrow morning from a stand he has been spotted from before.
Damn it Isaac, our reputation as literate is going out the window with each post you make now. Just because you can finally climb a tree again doesnt give you the right to turn into BT :p
Warm and South wind in a.m...not what I'd choose...but tis the season and I'm going. Good luck to all...shoot straight!
South wind. Gonna sit my best spot for the first time in the morning. Expectations are high. Haven't gotten to hunt this property in the AM yet. I am hoping to catch a cruiser.
I wish it was gonna be warm here. Not looking forward to getting dressed in a barn while it's 33degrees out...Eh, better than 20, I guess.
At 4:00 AM Mrs. Germ said don't go So I did my spooning dutites this morning, which was not in my game plan:p
I went out about 0500 this morning, set in before first light - in my second choice of stand location. I have stuff to do this morning, so I broke down around 0830 once the sun was full up and I figured everything was done moving for the morning. Decided to scout a bit ( I am hunting all these areas for the first time ) and of course scared up a deer in the place where I originally intended to place my stand this morning. Will re-hunt it Wednesday morning - to celebrate Veterans day. I have only seen a total of 3 deer in 6 sits since Wed...and only drew back on one. But I am still loving this! Sean