You might think about bringing some skeeter repellent. Bring a lawn chair for sitting around and BS ing, and a pair of boots cause it gets deep at times and wet on the course at times :D Hope you guys are prepared to possable shoot in windy conditions also. And I dont mean the wind comming from Racewayking and In da woods either >>>BAM<<< SERIOUSLY, cant wait to reunite again and meet some of the new crowd see ya there guys and gals subliminal messaga>>Crick is gonna own the 3-d course, im in your head
Im pumped fingers...pumped. Us Ohio boys will be riding out again, making our Jimmy Johns stops along the way FO SHO
Siman, can I order a Beach Club? Kinda like meals on wheels? :D Hey anyone got a couple extra chairs? I don't think Miss Jessica and I are going to have room in our luggage!