What is your prefered bow lenght, 1 piece or Take Down? The reason I am asking there is a certain person on this forum who shall remain nameless ( but comes from good ole German stock) is giving me all sorts of pressure to start making them.
My #1 favorite goto bow is my 56" Fred Bear Custom TD. I like the bow because it shoots so well but also because it is somewhat short (but not excessively short) it maneuvers well in the woods and treestand. Next I would say 58" and 60". I have a 62" Pearson Colt and it shoots well but it's just a bit long for my likes in a recurve. Any bow under 56" for someone my size takes some getting used to. I'm 6' tall and have a 30" DL. As to one piece or takedown, I have always thought the lines of a one piece made the best looking/prettiest bows. I wish Ron Pittsley still made the one piece he once did.
VA I wouldn't say it is harder, less time consuming for sure but only because I put more detail into a Take Down Riser and have an extra limb to cook. At this stage I am only thinking about making them but nothing is really set in concrete. I do have an idea about a Take Down LB with recurve limbs but instead of 2" wide limb butt and riser just doing it with 1 1/2" riser/ limb butt as per a normal LB. Which is something the person of good ole German stock and I have talked about
Russ, A takedown is the only way to go if you travel as I do (bloody airlines charge you for everything extra these days-a takedown fits nicely in any piece of luggage). Other than that bit of info, I'm too new at this to be of any help.
Certainly My go to recurve is a 52" Kodiak Mag. Shoots like a dream! If I were to travel a lot I would most likely want a T/D though, just for convenience. Although I really prefer the looks of a 1 piece.
T/D for me , seems the way to go . As Will said , you can fit them in most luggage and are easy to travel with . I also read that the longer the bow , the more forgiving . 58" - 60" , but i'm e beginner too :d
The only recurve I've owned is 64" I tried to get him to go 66" but he said his forms wouldn't allow for anything that long. I'm with Jeff on the length being that I'm 6'1" with a 29" draw too. You can see in the photo that it's actually longer than my longbow. The thing draws and shoots like a dream. One problem is that it's a one piece so it won't be leaving the island, the other is that it's so long I smacked the lower limb tip on the ground when I shot it uphill from my knees the other night.
Same as Rybo 58 to 62" I love the looks of a one piece especially at full draw, but for practical reasons prefer a TD.