Like I have already said- I think it would still be easier to ban everyone from OH then to try to fix Josh's name!
If you don't even understand the concept then by law you have to shhhhhhh. Yours doesn't even qualify. Here are the ones I could find quickly between here and HNI: Many of which I think are recent name CHANGES which makes them even bigger poser wannabes.:d To go along with the established Matt / PA, Rob / PA (although the dropping of Bowyer and adding the trademark spaces is a direct violation) and I guess Greg / MO even though technically he's a generic "Insert Mathews bow here" screenname transplant too he's had it for a while. What do they say about imitation and flattery? Kelly/KY Rory/MO MN/Kyle Josh/OH Matt/TN Siman08/OH Ben / PA Matt/NC Brett/IL Pope94/IA Tony/WI Honorable mention recent screenname changes going to "MGH PA" and "PA Bow/Flinter" for ALMOST following through........which makes them "wannabe/wannabes"