I need help fellas. I can do just about anything associated with tuning/working on a bow except for tying on cat whiskers. I've followed a couple different directions on other sights but they always look wimpy instead of vibrant and full of life. :D Any tips?
Never tried it before, but it would be a skill I'd like to acquire sometime down the road. I've seen it done a couple times, though. Knew a guy who could make a perfect little puffball out of them; he used fishing line to tie them on with, and his hands had cuts all over them from him pulling the knot so tight around the whiskers... Not sure of his exact technique though.
Yeah....well I've tried to follow detailed instructions but they never turn out well. Not sure if my knots aren't tight enough or if its the brand of whisker I'm using. I'll eventually get it, I hope.
Here's a great video on how to do it. That is how I do it and it works great. I still think they work better than just about anything out there. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6WNxTLPJW0&feature=related
thats how i have always done it. But i have found the new bows to be so quiet that i havnt needed them too much
Well...I'm afraid to press my Admiral with the two presses I have. Even with that method, would that guarantee the "perfect ball" I'm striving for? Its really NOT that big of a deal but I'm picky.:D
Yeah, I don't think pressing is an ingredient to get the "ball" look... I wish my buddy still worked at the Gander Mountain in Paducah... while the video link was good, the guy I knew could make them look FANTASTIC. I should have taken the time to have him show me once...
this is how i do it pretty easy http://forums.mathewsinc.com/archery-4/technical-faq-28/whisker-type-string-silencers-how-to-86556/