Opening evening.... I told you "team 12 can't shoot no does" ball busters I would drop one early... Watch out BBK is taking no prisoners! :D That's another nickle down for the champs..... Team bbk4eva!
It's just that you guys are feeling the pressure. :p Congratulations Scott, looks like a great nanny. Looking forward to "more of the story".
Dude, got word you guys are gonna be known as the Team 1 DinkDaddy's Way to go on the opening day Nickel!
>>>BAM<<< for that hat. I don't know what else it's going to take for Dink to understand that it's all about the hat. Good job buddy, I'll grant your wish... immunity it is.
Man, you got that out of the way in a hurry!:D I think I'm still in shock tho! Congrats on the slick head.
Congrats Scott...... I have lost all respect for you.... come on playa... you don't need no stinkin does :p:D:D:D
Someone must be running scared or you just spent too much time with Mobo and he rubbed off. Scott the big nanny whacker... who would have guessed ?? Put me down as a hater now. LOL Congrats on the doe !! Tim