Awesome bull! I'm in Utah now (but will have to go back to IL later this week to get another load of stuff), so far the only elk I've seen was dead on the side of the road. I did get an antlerless elk permit... not sure for where and I have no idea how to hunt elk but I think I'm up for the challenge. (well, 'cept for the climbing mountains part) :D
Awesome bull! I'm doing something every single day to get ready for the mountains in Sept. This just gets my blood pumping even more!
Elk aren't to found of roads. They usually get hit at night going to water. In the winter you can see them off the road in a few places. What brings you out to Utah?
Getting the heck out of Illinois is my primary reason for coming out here. My husband got a job at Barnes Bullets so he's been out here since late April. The roadkilled elk I saw was in Provo Canyon. There's a road sign on the way to our town (Levan) that says 'Frequent Elk and Deer Crossing'. I've seen deer but no elk yet. I haven't gotten to do much exploring and the little that I did do was limited by me being an out-of-shape flatlander.
I have a friend that works at Barnes Bullets. I hope the move and all goes good for ya. Right there by where ya live is a canyon called chicken creek, there are a few elk up there.
I've been up Chicken Creek canyon twice. Shot some ground squirrels up there, saw some mule deer, rabbits, rock chucks and bunches of moo cows. Yesterday I drove from Chicken Creek all the way down out of Maple Canyon. That wasn't really a great idea. That 'road' isn't really full-sized truck friendly. LOL Having a really stiff suspension didn't help either. Still didn't see any live elk. We did jump a nice mule deer buck and several does on the Nebo bench trail.
Thanks! I have no doubt you will have a great time. I just want to see pics of your elk when you get back. Time is flying by... a week of July already gone. :D
Thanks! I put that camera out on a trail we expected to see deer on and only had it out two days. Can't wait to get back up there.