LOL! I also forgot your trek in is much shorter, So keep the stock seat also keep the stock elastic shoulder straps that it comes with will be fine. I recommend the Viper SD, but is the pro the one with the level adjusters? That seems pretty cool and makes the learning curve much less steep. Guessing the angle isn't that hard and once you get the hang of it, it's a non-issue with the regular Viper SD. Either way, you can't go wrong. It will feel completely wrong and awkward your first few climbs. Getting in a routine and doing everything the same exact way/order each time will make it brainless after a few hunts.
Your looking at the wrong website. That's Lone wolf custom gear. They are cnc machined stands. Novix Tree stands is the new name of the old Lonewolf. There stands that are same model of yours are $360. And you can still get parts for your older lone wolf stands.
I didn't realize the new lone wolfs were billet and machined. Interesting. Yeah, I've been on Novix site looking around. They can't sell anything with the lone wolf branding on it even if they have it in warehouse so you can't get new belts until sometime in 2023 if they stay on pacr. Was suoposed to be out this year but taking longer than anticiapted.
I stand and climb lol. I hold myself up and then pull my legs up. Move my top section up, do a little dip and pull my legs up. I have a fear of falling backwards or getting caught in that thing. I want to be able to grab something. hahah
Yeah, I had a Summit years back. Was a hand climber, think it was a bushmaster or something like that, a lot like the open shot. Right now my issue is with my core, hernia situation, and feel sit and climb is going to be my best option. Wish they made a portable ladder stand, like a telescopic with folding platform
Pretty sure there is somebody out there making one. I use to have a aluminum one that would get me 9 feet high. It was super lite. Shot my first ever deer in that thing. I was 12 years old and packed that thing in on my back with backpack straps and set it up. A couple hours later I shot a doe out of it at about 3 yards. What a memorable hunt that was! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I also had a Summit open shot. Got that for fear of having a bar in front of me for bow shots. It's was so comfortable. But it's big down fall was it's width. I don't like stands that are wider then me. Get snagged on to much stuff. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Yeah, seems like 12' would be pretty simple. Could find a climber top and use the ladder as the lower section and still be 15 feet at seat.
Pro SD
The pro is not the leveler, that one is $120 more and not something I am concerned about. I had a climber awhile back and can figure the angle out I believe. If nit I'll just climb and stop when level regardless of height.
Done, I'll have it tuesday for my first sit, hopefully. Supposed to rain so not sure if climbing on first go with a wet tree is smart
Same hazmore seat work with pro as sd? Looking into everything. How many rolls of that tape did it take you?
You may have to start out at a sharp angle at the base of a tree but it levels out once you move up. You just need to learn the stand. I don’t think the leveler is necessary. If your wearing a harness, then you’ll want the climbing safety rope.
sorry I missed this last night! I'm not sure about the hazmore seat fitting on the pro? I'd reach out to them. As far as tape, I think it was 2 rolls. The stabilizers are key as well. They cinch the top piece down like there is always weight on it making it rock solid. The bowholder is bad ass because you always have your bow with you and no more rats nest of a bow rope. The foot rest is something you don't know you need until you have it. Another thing I did was buy a water bottle and holder for a bike. I used self tapping screws and screwed it to the top frame that way it freed up room in my waist pack. Just make sure it is screwed in so it is facing up on your walk in, and sideways when you are hunting/sitting