First off, this is not me or my deer. Wish it was! This is a pic of the possible new Iowa bow record. This was taken by Kyle Simmons in Jackson county Iowa. 33 points and final score of over 275. I got a good look at it during the Iowa Deer Classic. Also, there was some people who said it was an illegal crossbow kill, but that is bull. The short arrow in the quiver is broken. It matches the others too closely to be a crossbow bolt. I just thought you folks would like to see this.
MEGA BUCK!!! I think that's the buck in Jan. issue of NA Whitetail. I think he killed it around the middle of Oct. and it had put on about 50 inches from 2007!
I live/hunt in some of the best that IL has to offer...and I wish I had some Iowa property - for true giants, I think Iowa might be top state (with potentially Kansas & Ohio ahead of IL as well) That is a Monster!
Yea, IL just has a bunch of smaller p&y bucks that get killed, which leads to their recognition. Iowa's permit regulations allow there to be less hunting pressure therefore more big bucks. One of these days I'm going to have to talk to my cousins that live up there and try and get a permit to hunt on their property. That is one amazing buck... if I came across one like that I'd sure hope my encounter would happen fast because I would be shaking so bad I couldn't even pull back my bow.
Nothing like we havnt seen before. Every state can produce a 200" buck, its the ones where you have a legitimate shot of harvesting them that get people excited. I always thought Iowa was a big buck state?
I hope to produce some big bucks this year. I have 80 acres that is closed to the public and they get a lot of pressure on the surrounding land so, they like to live on my land. I also have 7 acres of timber that I have never hunted and there are hundreds of deer surrounding it. I have only started bow hunting in the past 3 years. I have a lot of training and catching up to do to get to you guys' level but, I will get there.
Iowa has big bucks but it also has this as of today............. Iowa high court legalizes gay marriage in state
Yeah, I'm not to sure if I like that or not. There's 2 sides to that. 1. Conservative: It's morally wrong. 2. Liberal: They should be able to lose half their stuff in a divorce like the rest of us. We will see. I'm just waiting for the idiots in Des Moines to try to stop hunting. That's the kind of nitwits we have around here.
To all the Iowa guys, I was just kidding with the above post...was nothing serious and I don't care if they have nude gay men walking down the street in Des Moines!
I saw that pic before. Nice buck obviously. But iowa does have small deer. They have to grow that big.