Ok, BM......this is the kind of stuff us gangsta's roll with.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fxw1F9cKPXo
Linkin Park..... are you kidding me I am not a 15 year old boy who thinks the world is against me and I should paint my nails black and put studs in my face to be a rebel :evil: :d :evil: :d Actually... bleed it out is one of their better songs, its amazing how they went from a "hard" band to making music that 14 y.o. girls cried to :d
Oh my holy lord......Scott is gonna absolutely beat you down like a spider monkey! It ain't gonna be pretty dude.....ain't gonna be pretty at all. I cannot believe you just went there.... That guy's voice just amazes me. He just explodes it....One of my favorite bands out there right now. I'll come up with another one tomorrow....We can have us a music war!
I lost interest in them after the first album, but there's no denying Chester's vocals rock. I remember seeing them back in the day open for POD at the Riv and then a few months later on their first headlining tour at the HOB here in Chicago. I think Spineshank and Taproot opened if memory serves. Now those were some good shows.
Hey, I'm not too worried about Scott. He is the least "gangsta" thug that I know :evil: Chesters voice is pretty amazing, but there are very few songs that didn't go too pop for me. They went from One Step Closer to In The End (which sucked and was killed by every pop station across the nation) :evil: WAR it is... bring it on
You like his voice? Check out this guys voice... It's so strong. Heres a stripped version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FALN_OU2YA
Justin, your post reminds me of that scene from Good Morning Vietnam. Since the VP is such a VIP, why not keep in the QT so we don't all be put on KP. LOL....or something like that anyway.... I'm also not a big fan of their first albums......But Numb is one of my all time favorite songs. IMO, Minutes to Midnight is simply their best...
I'm going to play the role of the and say that Shinedown sucks terribly, terribly bad. The guy has some pipes, and I did enjoy Fly From The Inside when it came out, but after hearing .45 two million times I wanted to take a gun to my own head and end it. Everytime they come on the radio, I change the station For tonight, I'm done raining on your musical parades. I need to recharge my laptop and get some sleep. :D
Shinedown as sweet...but they sold out to commercialism and pop music just like Linkin Park, Green Day and Nickelback. Its sad really. All 4 of those bands had some AMAZING early albums too. Now they are on the same stations and play-lists as Britney Spears and Beyonce
I like a little Red Hot Chili Peppers But thats just me Oh, and I did use to rock out to the first Linkin Park album in high school
I liked Linkin parks first album...after that...eh. I did like the one song in Transformers though. But maybe that's just because hearing it brings to mind Megan Fox
Old Linkin Park is good but I'm not a big fan of their newer stuff they've come out with the past couple years. However if you want to be real "gangsta" you gotta listen to the numb/encore collaboration. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsHfS3I-J1o
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23eZMdixAuk Better vocals than Chester of Linkin Park... some of the best vocals for their time