I can think of any specific story that would be that great but I have to say; Louisiana deer are the only deer I have hunted that will bust you from 100 yards upwind while your sitting still 20 feet up a tree. They really are tough deer to hunt.
Doing lots of scouting on Louisiana public land . Seeing a few rubs , mostly on pencil to finger sized small trees. Rubbing usually picks up during the first week of October.
I'm not sure what the rules are for gaining access being that it's Army land, but there are tons of deer in Peason Ridge which is just west of Kisatchie, accessible by Hwy 117.
Arrow Head Here's a deer hunting story from Louisiana. A few years ago while hunting in my climbing stand , a 6 pointer happened to pass within 10 yards of my perch. I normally climb 26 feet high as measured by the length of my bow pull up rope. As the buck approached I drew on him and just as I released the arrow he swung his head around which covered the lung area I was aiming at. The arrow hit him in the top of the head between the antlers. This must have short - circuited his brain because he started running around and around in a tight circle. This went on for about five minutes. In a way it was a real funny scene but the humor was canceled out by the fact that I had not made a clean and quick killing shot. I carry three arrows in my bow quiver and now two were left. Hitting a running deer is difficult but hitting one running in a circle is even harder. I expended the other two arrows without touching a hair. So down the tree I come as the deer continues his circle run with the arrow in his head sticking straight up in the air, the feathers waving to and fro . It looked like a dance of sorts. After finally getting down I managed to retrieve one of the arrows stuck in the ground. The buck paid no attention to me at all and I was able to put an arrow through the lungs at almost point blank range. So when someone asks me what is the closest you have ever shot a deer my answer is two yards. Then I have to explain how it happened.