Hey guys im waiting until August to plant my biologic clover this year because last year the deer ate it all before i could get a chance to hunt it. Do you think it will still come up in time and grow full? Thanks!
In my opinion you'd be better off planting wheat, oats or brassicas in August or September and then frost seed your clover into it in late winter early spring. The clover isn't gonna grow much the first fall.
We are starting our fall plot this weekend with the following from Welter Seed Company: 4# Ground Hog Radish 4# Barnapoli Rape Seed 2# Barkant Forage turnip 2# Appin forage turnip 2# Pasja Hybrid Brassica This will plant 2 acres worth easily. We didn't get our Milo/Corn in this year due to work conflicts and rain so we are planning on getting it in this weekend as long as the rain holds off.