I am working on getting a food plot going on my dads property. He has an airplane, and built a landing stripe. However, he never uses the plan anymore, and I plan on doing some planting next year. Now...my question is...does anyone have any suggestions on what to plant in Northern MN. I've done a little research on Biologic sight...but looking for some personal input. Thanks
First, get a soil test done ASAP. You're going to want to know what you need to put down lime-wise to get your PH to desirable levels. It's usually best to lime at least 6 months before your first planting (again depending on how much you're going to need). After that, you can begin to map out what/when you want to plant. Are you planning for summer, fall, or winter plot (or best yet, a combination to accommodate all seasons)?
Good answer. Lime and fertalizer can be the difference i n a really good food plot and a huge wate of time and money.