One month from today I'll be in a stand on my property chasing those IL whitetails. The food plots are planted, the stands are hung and the weather feels like it's already hunting season. Corn on the left brassicas in the middle and clover to the right. A deer cafeteria. Close up of the brassicas. The deer wiped them out before Thanksgiving last year, so I planted a bunch more this year. This mix has sorgum, sunflowers, corn and a climbing bean in it. It is a thick jungle in there and the deer like to bed in it too. My ambush spot. I have a stand in the tree in the middle of the picture. This is a 30 yard wide pinch point in the middle of the field the deer like to travel through. Brassicas on this side and newly planted wheat on the other side.
Step to the back of the line Droptine. Hopefully all of the hard work I've been putting in all year pays off.
Hopefully when this guy is broadside at 20 yards like he was in this pic last year, when I wasn't there.
Looks awesome John, I know that's a lot of work right there. I wish you the best of luck during the upcoming season.
Everything looks great! I hope all your hard work pays off and you get a nice reward in the shape of a trophy buck. Best of luck this season.
Restarted my puter, now I see them all. Looks fantastic John. Truly and like RJ said, I know how much work it is. Nice.
Dam that looks good John Looks familiar to :D I was actually telling and bragging to a guy at work today about your food plots and property
That looks really good! I just went and fertilized my clover and chicory for the last time the past weekend. I also planted some winter wheat with purple top turnips mixed in for later in the fall. Good Luck!!