This year i'm going to put in some spring food plots usually i put in fall food plots. I was just wondering if i could get your guys tips and tricks on how to plant them, basically just step by step of how you do it. Thanks a bunch!!!
When I put in my small,(1/8 acre), plot the first thing I did was till it up. I then took a soil sample to my county agricultural agent to test the ph. It turned out to be OK so I went back and planted. I put in chickory, clover and kvetch. Pretty simple really.
Depending on the size of plot,equipment you have and what it looks like now (covered in weeds/grasses) I would spray roundup (or similar herbicide) first...if possible. Would definitely help your crop get a head start over the weeds...not as much of a big deal for fall/winter plots.
will if it was me, I would turn it over, do the soil test, then add as needed, turn over again, wait 2 weeks, then spray what ever comes up, wait 10 days, then , do a light drag, seed it, light drag again,and then pray for rain, However, if after I wait 10 days from spraying, and it startes to rain, I will seed it in the rain! that will plant the seeds right, and start them on a good heads up with water! This is only for seeds that need to be planted les than a 1/2 an inch, for seeds that need to be planted deeper, I would try to make sure I got use of a drill, or in a pinch, I would seed, and then disc, and hope for the best!