with so many guys on here already workin on a little somethin somethin , why dont we have an area were we could sort of keep track of others progress ? i know ive got a few acres im gonna give it a try on this summer and readin alot of others ideas has answered a bunch of my questions already
I thought about a wildlife management forum, but then again, the more forums you get, I feel the more bloated the forum feels. I don't know, I always felt HNI had way too many places to visit for every little thing (although I understand since it was primarily about HUNTING in general, but you know). Who knows, though. That extra forum might be nice.
3 of my food plots are hunted by gun only. The trees are not large enough to hold a stand yet ( won't be too much longer though:d ) and I don't hunt from the ground.
Dave, I'm not really sure a food plot would be overly successful with all the CORN AND SOY beans that the deer have available up there, unless you make it something that they just cannot resist. I know this much about that area, those deer LOVE that river bottom corn just a little more than they do the stuff that grow up out of the river bottom. Not sure if it's the protectionism of being that close to the water or what, but they'll stay in that river bottom corn as long as they can get away with it. If you can find a "rendevous spot" and make a little "green patch" to hold them up a little it may be effective, but there's just so much available food up there, it may be difficult to make very effective.