Had a thought this morning. I don't have a lot of area to put in large food plots and started thinking. I have several fire breaks mowed throughout the prairies on the property. Would it be beneficial to till up the fire breaks and plant something like biologic in there place?
I think any chance you have to incrase the food supply for wildlife- you should !! I'd watch what I planted and when, as far as hunting goes. Wil this new food source alter deer patterns that you've become accustomed to hunting ? Will it change bedding areas or interupt your access ? I planted a small, maybe 1 and half acre field of Shot-Plot along a corn field. From the lay-out of the proeprty, you wouldnt think anything negative would have come about. Well, the deer started to bed up in the corn and thick stuff along the North and East portions of the plot. This gave me ZERO wind directions on which to hunt the plot from my stands. I also planted a field in biologic and had a positive result. The deer started to travel through a funnel earlier in the day (not sure why), but, instead of them just meandering about the acorns, they would hit the acorns and move to the plot and off to the crop fields ealier. This allowed me to get out of my stand at dark with no deer around. Just some info based on my experience.
The deer are using the fire breaks as travel corridors already. I thought if I planted the food source, they would browse along these corridors (where a lot of my stands are). It might make it difficult to get into the stands in the AM when deer are usually feeding already, but would help for the evening hunts...