I have been trying to come up with a Forward Of Center weight system that was easy and CHEAP. I did this because I found some broadheads that I really like and want to use this upcoming bow season Carbon Express XT4. They only come in 100gr. So here's what I came up with: I found some fishing split shot that was small enough to fit inside my Gold Tip Shafts. Oddly enough they all weighed 25gr each without variation. Here's a poor close up of one. I then took a peice of shaft to use as a mandrill to prepare it for insertion onto the shaft. I tapped it into the small cut off peice to form fit it and pushed it back out using a drill bit. Here it is ready to be inserted into the shaft for final fitting. I then pushed it down the shaft with a .22 cal cleaning rod. When the lead split shot hit the tip insert I gave it a few extra hard taps to mash it so it wouldn't move. There it is, you can add 25gr at a time until you get the weight you want to use. I've shot about 20 shots without the shot moving in the shafts.
I like it. I'm wanting to add 100gr to my compound arrow tips for Elk this fall (now that turkey season is over). Any concern that the extra shock of a compound would allow the weights to slip back over time? I would like to give some 100 grain inserts for carbon arrow a try - cannot find anywhere locally...anybody know my best bet to order a couple to try(want to make sure current shafts would still have correct spine)?