i did a search, and came up with nothing, so i appoligize if this has been beat to death. i finally looked up what a fob was, and was kinda impressed. i am looking at getting into fletching my own arrows, and then i came upon these little things. these would be a LOT more convienient, and affordable if they really do work. thats waht im asking. are these things any good? reliable? i have been to this sight, but you know how it goes to trust the manufacture's word... http://www.starrflight.com/ thanks guys, brian.
I don't think you can shoot through mesh groundblinds with them, but I would give them a try but I prefer fletching.
I know some guys that shoot them. They love them... They say better penetraiton, better flight pattern with broadheads and not alot of drift in the wind. But for now im stickin with the flechings.
Sorry for taking you off topic, BUT, if your looking to fletch your own arrows and dont want to mess with jigs/rigs etc. then check out these, http://www.cabelas.com/p-0032997.shtml you might know of them, i just discovered them about a month ago and GREAT!. I have shot FOBS and i really didnt see much of a difference, but everyone has a different experience.
fobs are great for real long shooting, other than that, the benifits are marginal in the 30 yards and closer relm